The other day us Tuskers got together to do some covert ops ganks.
We had us a nice gang to do it with as well. When we formed up in Hevrice we had a cloaky recon and bomber from every race. The hope was that we would find a battlecruiser gang or small battleship gang to decend upon.
After we sent our scouts out looking for targets, we started getting reports of a couple of large mixed gangs from the surrounding areas. Nothing really to our liking for a solid engagement. But considering the amount of traffic that was being spotted, we sent out a bait ship in hopes of luring a group in. Well the bait ship sat for close to 20 minutes without even a nibble, while our scouts kept looking.
As time was slowly clicking by, and feeling that nothing was going to happen sank in, we got word to be ready, a Tempest had been spotted. It was in a near by system and that it looked like it was being harassed by a Hurricane. So we got ready and waited for the report from the scout that the Hurricane and Tempest were indeed engaged, as soon as we did we dropped in and started working on the Hurricane. All of us moving out to our optimal ranges and hitting him with what we had, me in my Rapier hitting him with dual webs, the Arazu holding point and hitting him with sensor damps, the Falcon running its ECM to jam him up and the Pilgrim draining his cap. All the while the bombers hitting him with sensor damps and target painters and torps, it was all going so fast.
Then local spiked and we were hit with the Hurricanes support fleet which included a Gaurdian. The call was made to try and shut down the Gaurdian, and then to pull out. Needless to say, there fleet having more numbers, and being closer to the recons then we liked. had us fairly well locked down. Over coms I heard our Arazu pilot Ka Jolo, our Falcon pilot Kopecky, and our Pilgrim pilot Migrond Aramath, one by one say those dreaded words "I'm down". My heart started to sink, I was tackled by multiple hostiles with no support. I aligned to a planet and started burning as fast as I could, switching my webs over from one ship to another forcing them to slow down as I raced out from under the warp disruptors. About 60km away from where the engagement had started the hostile drones caught up to me and I started taking damage. By 70km I had out ran all but the fastest of their fleet and was working on shaking the 3 or 4 that was still keeping me pointed as my shield tank started to fail do to the amount of drones I had on me. At about 80km the inevitable happened, I went down.
I know what most of you are thinking, that this is me whining. Its not, I really enjoyed that fight and got some really good practice in piloting my rapier in. Though we might have lost and lost horribly, it was still a great experience. We all learned something in that fight, probably including the hostile fleet, and got to leave it with a smile on our faces from the sheer rush of it at. Props goes to the guys from Muppet Ninjas, and thanks goes to my fellow Tuskers for the fun.
Battle Report