
Combat For Interstellar Kredit (ISK)


I am a pirate and therefore I make my living taking from you in whatever means I have available to me. The primary means I have is my ability to fly cheap ships and successfully beat most pilots in non consensual combat. So I don't get it why some people get mad and think that pointing this out as if it was an insult to me. I am very proud that I can make a decent living in New Eden by doing what I love, taking your things and making you mad. I think it is a rare breed that can do what I, and most of my fellow Tuskers can do. To be skilled in such a way is something to be proud of and looked upon with envy.

Lets take the last week for example. I don't have the best of track records with the kill to loss ration I guess, 16 kills to 6 loss. My isk fielded ration is good though with only 92 million fielded by me to 512 million fielded by my prey for a almost 85% efficiency. The thing is though, of the 512 million isk field, close to half of it dropped in modules for me to scoop up and sell. Sure some of the loot had to be divided, but the average split was between 3 people. That means on a week that I consider to have been a slow week and a bad one for me I am still up. Add in the fact that I also manage to ransom another 60mil, and force Gila and Thorax pilot to eject from their ships and you have yourself one heck of a way yo make a living.

Please do not mistake this as me making myself out to be some elite combat pilot, I am not that. What I am is a pirate, and more importantly a Tusker. We do what we do because we can. There is no shame in it, we kill for fun and profit. Anything else is just not in my nature.

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